
Chapter 10
E Specify connection settings to the repository if necessa r y. For more information, see the
topic Connect
ing to the Repository in Chapter 9 on p. 161. For specic port, password, and other
connec tion details, contact your local system administrator.
Note: The repo
sitory server must also have the IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage software installed.
E In the Repository: Store dialog box, choose the folder where you want to store the object, specify
any other information you want to record, and click the Store button. For more information, see
the topic Setting Object Properties in Chapter 9 on p. 164.
Doing so launches IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage with the stream already open. The stream
is closed in SPSS Modeler.
Importing and Exporting Models as PMML
PMML, or predictive model marku p language, is an XML format for describing data mining
and statistical models, including inputs to the models, transformations used to pre pare data for
data mining, and the parameters that dene the models themselves. IBM® SPSS® Modeler can
import and export PMML, making it possible to s hare models with other applications that support
this format, suc h as IBM® SPSS® Statistics.
For more information about PMML, see the Data Mining Group website (http://www.dmg.org).
To Export a Model
PMML export is supported for most of the model types generated in SPSS Modeler. For more
informa tion, see the topic Model Types Supporting PMML on p. 198.
E Right-click a model nugget on the models palette. (Alte r natively, double-click a model nug get on
the canvas and select the File menu.)
E On the menu, click Export PMML.
Figure 10-1
Exporting a model in PMML format