
Chapter 9
Figure 9-7
Adding information about the object
The username of the user creating the object in the repository. By default, this shows the
username used for the repos itory connection, but you can change this name here.
Version Label.
Select a label from the list to indicate the object version, or click Add to create a
new label. Avoid using the “[” character in the label. Ensure that no boxes are checked if you do
not want to assign a label to this object version. For more information, see the topic Vie wing and
Editing Object Properties on p. 180.
A descripti on of the object. Users can search for objects by description (see note).
One or more keywords that relate to the object and which can be used for search
purpose s (see note).
A date after which the obje ct is no longer visible to general users, although i t can still
be seen by its owner and by the repositor y administrator. To set an expiration date, select the Date
option and enter the date, or choose one using the calendar button.
Stores the object at the current location.
Note: Information in the Description and Keywords elds is treated as distinct from anything
entered in SPSS Modeler on the Annotations tab of the object. A repository search by description
or keywor d does not return information from the Annotations tab. For more information, see the
topic Searching for Objects in the Repository on p. 175.