
Building CLEM Expressions
About CLEM
The Control Language f or Ex pression Manipulation (CLEM) is a p owerful language for analyzing
and manipulating the data that ows along IBM® SPSS® Modeler streams. Data miners use
CLEM extensive ly in stream operations to perform tasks as simple as deriving prot from cost
and revenue d ata or as complex as transforming web log data into a set of elds and records with
usable informati on.
CLEM is used
within SPSS Modeler to:
Compare and evaluate conditions on record elds.
Derive va l
ues for new elds.
Derive ne w values for existing elds.
Reason abo
ut the sequence of records.
Insert data from records into repo r ts .
A subset of the CLEM language can also be used when scripting in the u ser interface.
This allows you to perform many of the same da ta manipulati ons in a n automated fashion.
CLEM expressio ns are indispensable for data preparatio n in SPSS Modeler and can be used in
a wide range of nodes—from record and eld operat ions (Select, Balance, Filler) to plots and
output (Analysis, Report, Table). For example, you can use CLEM in a Derive node to create a
new eld based on a formula such as ratio.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2012.