
Product Description Accessories
22 MS-9200UDLS PN 52750:A 11/04/05
1.8.5 Annunciators
ACS Series LED Zone Type Annunciators
The ACS Series Annunciators remotely display alarm and trouble status as well as
system status. In addition, they can provide remote Acknowledge, Silence, Reset and
Drill functions. For more detailed information, refer to the appropriate annunciator
manual. Following is a list of annunciators which can be used with the MS-
Annunciator Control Module annunciates 16 zones with 16 red
alarm LEDs and 16 yellow trouble LEDs. In addition, it has a System Trouble
LED, an On Line/Power LED and a local piezo sounder. It also has switches for
FACP Acknowledge, Silence, Reset and Drill. It has rotary address switches and
will accept up to three AEM-16ATF Expanders. In Canada, this module must be
used to annunciate the fire alarm input points/zones only.
AEM-16ATF Annunciator Expander Module annunciates 16 zones with 16 red
alarm LEDs and 16 yellow trouble LEDs
Annunciator Fixed Module annunciates 16 zones with 16 red
alarm LEDs and 16 yellow trouble LEDs. In addition, it has a System Trouble
LED, an On Line/Power LED and a local piezo sounder. It also has switches for
FACP Acknowledge, Silence, Reset and Drill. It is fixed at address ‘1.’ In
Canada, this module must be used to annunciate the fire alarm input points/zones
Annunciator Control Module annunciates 32 alarm zones with 32
red LEDs. In addition, it has a System Trouble LED, an On Line/Power LED
and a local piezo sounder. It also has a switch for local piezo silence. It has
rotary address switches and will accept one AEM-32AF Expander. In Canada,
this module must be used to annunciate the fire alarm input points/zones only.
AEM-32AF Annunciator Expander Module annunciates 32 alarm zones with 32
red LEDs
Annunciator Fixed Module annunciates 16 alarm zones with 16 red
alarm LEDs. In addition, it has a System Trouble LED, an On Line/Power LED
and a local piezo sounder. It also has a switch for local piezo silence. It is fixed
at address ‘1.’ In Canada, this module must be used to annunciate the fire alarm
input points/zones only.
Annunciator Fixed Module annunciates 32 alarm zones with 32 red
LEDs. In Canada, this module must be used to annunciate the fire alarm input
points/zones only.
* In Canada, the color red must be used to indicate active alarm inputs. Yellow
indicates supervisory, burglary or trouble signals. Green indicates the presence of
power, or an activated output.