
151209 7-9
8. Select options for each event that could occur in this zone. Figure 7-3 is a complete exam-
ple of how you might map a zone.
Figure 7-3 Selecting Output Groups/templates and Cadence Patterns for a Zone Event
Zone Mapping Example
Suppose you want to program Zone 1 so that:
Any alarm (detector, water flow or manual pull) would activate Output Group 1 using the
ANSI cadence pattern.
Manual pull alarm would activate Output Group 3 using constant output.
Troubles would activate Output Group 2 using the zone-coded cadence pattern.
To accomplish this you need to access the screen for each event and then select your output
Indicates type of event (in
this case, Manual Pull alarm).
See Section 6.5 for choices.
Indicates output group 1, cadence
pattern 00 has been selected. 00 is
a constant output cadence.
“T” Indicates output group
template 1. See Section 7.5.5 for
more information on output group