message communications to STREAMS-based network interface drivers.
DMA (direct memory access) A method of moving data from a storage device
directly to RAM, without using the CPU’s resources.
DMA Bus Master A feature that allows a peripheral to control the flow of data to
and from system memory by blocks, as opposed to PIO (Programmed I/O) where
the flow is byte by byte.
EEPROM (electronically erasable programmable read-only memory) A
memory chip typically used to store configuration information. See NVRAM.
EISA (Extended Industry Standard Architecture) An extension of the 16-bit
ISA bus standard. It allows devices to perform 32-bit data transfers.
Ethernet: A 10 Mbit/s LAN, developed by Digital Equipment
Corporation, Intel, and Xerox Corporation, upon which the IEEE 802.3
network is based.
External SCSI Device A SCSI device installed outside the computer cabinet.
External SCSI devices are connected in a chain using shielded cables.
Fast Ethernet: A commonly used name applied to 100Base-T.
FCC Federal Communications Commission.
A named collection of information, usually stored on a disk.
Firmware Software that is permanently stored in ROM. In the case of BIOS, it can
be accessed during boot time without the aid of an operating or file system.
Full-Duplex Mode: A mode of media utilization whereby data can flow
in both directions simultaneously across the multiple wire pairs of a
physical link. While full-duplex operation is not defined per se in the
IEEE 802.3u-1995 specification, the specification does define a
mechanism for this mode to be autonegotiated between devices on each
end of a link. Full-duplex mode is typically found on switches.
HSC: High speed connect bus.
Half-Duplex Mode: The media utilization mode of IEEE 802.3u-1995