CAUTION: A jumper card is provided to test for correct wiring in the supervisory mode only. DO NOT pass alarm current through the jumper.
NOTE: All strobes are designed to flash as specified with continuous applied voltage. This appliance is not recommended for use on coded or pulsing
signaling circuits. However, use of the AVSM control module is permitted to synchronize the strobe and/or mute the horn.
Wiring for independent synchronized strobes and horn.
Using this method you may:
· Use only two wires to synchronize the temporal horn and strobe with the ability to mute the horn (place switches 1 and 2 up on the GEC3-12).
· Mute the horn only when the temporal horn option has been selected.
Wiring for synchronized parallel (unison) horn/strobe operation.
Using this method you may:
· Use only two wires to synchronize the temporal horn and strobe without the ability to mute the horn (place switches 1 and 2 up on the GEC3-12).
· Choose either temporal or continuous horn with the temporal horn synchronized.
· Also wire the control module (AVSM) to only the strobe input power terminals, set the horn to continuous mode and power it from a coded source.
NOTE: For this option, switches 1 and 2 on the GEC3-12 (Fig.1) must be down to isolate power to the audible and visible portion of the circuit.
(GEC3-12 & GES3-12 ONLY)
Voltage Verification
Access Holes:
It is often necessary to confirm the voltage
drop along a line of devices. The access
holes are provided in the back of the terminal
block to allow the voltage to be measured
directly without removing the device. Typically
this would be done at the end of the line to
confirm design criteria. Most measurements
will be taken using the S+ and S- locations
although access is provided to other locations.
NOTE: Care should be taken to not short
the test probes.