
4032 2_5.1 Cathedral
4033 2_5.1 Chamber Choir
4034 2_5.1 Drums Room
4035 2_5.1 Empty Arena
4036 2_5.1 Fat Drums
4037 2_5.1 Majestic Plate
4038 2_5.1 Sax Plate
4039 2_5.1 Surr Slap Back
4040 2_5.1 Tight Booth
4041 2_5.1 Tight Snare
4042 2_5.1 Tunnel
4043 2_5.1 Vocal Hall
4044 Surr Black Hole
4110 5.1 Cathedral
4111 5.1 Choir Hall
4112 5.1 Concert Hall
4113 5.1 Drums Room
4114 5.1 Jazz Club
4115 5.1 Lead Guitar
4116 5.1 Percussion Room
4117 5.1 Piano Hall
4118 5.1 Rich Chamber
4119 5.1 Sax Hall
4120 5.1 Snare Plate
4121 5.1 Stadium
4122 5.1 Theater Stage
4123 5.1 Vox Plate
4130 5.1 Choir Chamber
4131 5.1 Classic Plate
4132 5.1 Concert Hall
4133 5.1 Drums Booth
4134 5.1 Drums Room96
4135 5.1 Gregorian Church
4136 5.1 Metal Tunnel
4137 5.1 Sax Chamber
4138 5.1 Snare Chamber
4139 5.1 Surr Slap Back
4140 5.1 Vox Bright Plate
4141 5.1 Vox Hall
4150 5.1 Choir Chmbr E/r
4151 5.1 Concrete Lrg E/r
4152 5.1 Drums Booth E/r
4153 5.1 Far Walls E/r
4154 5.1 Hard Walls E/r
4155 5.1 Lg Envirnmnt E/r
4156 5.1 Md Envirnmnt E/r
4157 5.1 Piano Room E/r
4158 5.1 Sax Stage E/r
4159 5.1 Sm Envirnmnt E/r
4160 5.1 Stage E/r
4161 5.1 Wood Walls E/r
4210 Ambience
4211 Brass Plate
4212 Deep Space
4213 Drum Plate
4214 Drums Room
4215 Gated Inverse Snare
4216 Gated Plate
4217 Hall > Bandpass
4218 Inverse Snare
4219 Inverse
4220 Inverse > Bandpass
4221 Large Room
4222 Living In The Past
4223 Living Room
4224 L/C/R Mics Room
4225 Piano Hall
4226 Plate > BandPass
4227 Rich Chamber
4228 Room > Bandpass
4229 Sax Chamber
4230 Sax Plate
4231 Slap Plate
4232 Snare Plate
4233 Tiled Room
4234 Vocal Chamber
4235 Vocal Hall
4236 Vox Plate
4237 Wide Hall
4310 Barking Chamber
4311 Boston Chamber
4312 Chamber2
4313 Dream Chamber
4314 Italo's Chamber
4315 Medium Chamber
4316 MetallicChamber
4317 Toonchamber
4410 Arena Soundcheck
4411 Beeg Garage
4412 Big Hall 2
4413 Environment#28
4414 Masterverb Hall
4415 Masterverb Hall 1
4416 Masterverb Hall 2
4417 Masterverb(post)
4418 Masterverb(pre)
4419 Matt's Fat Room
4420 Roomy Hall
4421 SplashVerb
4422 3B X-over Hall
4510 Chorus & Plate
4511 EMT-style Plate
4512 Metallic Plate
4513 Reverb A2
4514 Sizzler Plate
4515 Springverb
4516 St.Plate+Chorus
4517 Stereo Plate
4518 Swept Plate
4610 EarlyRefections
4611 LatticeArray
4612 Preverberator
4613 SimpleDiffusor
4614 Slap Nonlinear
4615 StereoDiffusor
4616 Ultratap 1
4617 Ultratap 2
4710 Big Room
4711 Blue Box Verb
4712 Bob's New Room
4713 Denny's Echoroom
4714 Der Verb
4715 Drews Dense Room
4716 Funny Gated Room
4717 Gated Water Snare
4718 LatticeVerb
4719 LRMS Reverb
4720 Masterverb Room 2
4721 ReelRoom
4722 Ridiculous Room
4723 Room#24
4724 Slight ChorusRoom
4725 UK Ambience
4726 UK Bright
4727 UK Nonlinear
4728 Unreelroom
4729 Wooden Mens Room
4810 Bass Space
4811 Close Nonlinear
4812 Drew's Double Closet
4813 Drew'sSmallRoom
4814 FIR Glass Shower
4815 Gym Shower
4816 ImpWaveVerb
4817 MasterverbRoom1
4818 Medium Booth
4819 New Air
4820 Pantry
4821 Shifting Booth
4822 Small Ambiance
4823 Soft'n Small Room
4824 Stereo Mic's W/Room
4910 AcousticRoom
4911 Basilica
4912 Catacomb
4913 ChoralEchoVerb
4914 Cumulo-nimbus
4915 DetuneRoom#28
4916 DiffuseRoom#24
4917 EchoRoom
4918 Gravity Verb
4919 ImpWaveQuad
4920 Joystik>verb
4921 Klaus' Church
4922 Mix>FourSidedVerb
4923 Mix>Quadroom#10
4924 Mix>Quadroom#24
4925 MonkRoom
4926 Panped>Quadroom#10
4927 Panped>Quadroom#24
4928 QuadRoom#24
4929 QuadVerb/Crossfeed
4930 SaxRoom
4931 StringRoom
4932 SurroundRoom#28
4933 Toonchamber_Q
4934 Unreelroom_Q
4935 4 Room#16 Verbs
4936 FourSidedVerb
5010 Adaptive Reverb
5011 AlienShiftVerb
5012 Black Hole
5013 ChoralWindVerb
5014 ChoruspaceO'Brien
5015 Echospace Of God
5016 Flutter Booth
5017 Gated Gong Verb
5018 Ghost Air
5019 GloriousChrsCanyon
5020 GloriousFlngCanyon
5021 Horrors
5022 Jurassic Space
5023 Kickback
5024 Phantom & Reverb
5025 PillowVerb
5026 Pop Up
5027 Ramp Verb
5028 Resonechos
5029 Reverse Nonlinear
5030 Reverserize Hall
5031 Sizzle Verb
5032 SplashVerb Maxsweep
5033 Square Tremolo Verb
5034 Swell Verb 9
5035 Tremolo Reverb
5036 Wormhole
5037 Zipper Up
5110 Bell Ringer
5111 Envelope Ring Mod
5112 Evil Ring Dist
5113 Modulating Ring Mod
5114 TRUE RingMod
5115 One Way Ring Mod
5210 Digi Timesqueeze(R)
5211 Kick/SnareReplacer
5212 MIDITrig Reverse
H8000 Presets by Number