
3032 St Delayed Flanger 96 2,2
{DM}(TT) With this preset, each channel has a delay that goes into a flanger. Stereo in, stereo out.
3033 St.Phaser & Reverb 96 2,2
[K]{RME}(TT) Stereo phase shifter with reverb. Stereo in, stereo out.
3034 Texture 47 96 2,4
[G]{PRD}(TT) Pingpong with resonators and ringmods>verb. Rings mixed in with pedal (mod1). Verb out 3+4. Summed in,
quad out.
3035 ToneCloud 96 2,2
{PRDM}(TT) Combination of multishift, dual delay and reverb. Stereo in, stereo out.
3036 Treatment Two 96 2,4
{RDME} Dual band chorus>verb. tweak hi and lo chorus separate for both input channels. Verb has output selection.
Stereo in, quad out.
3037 Trem + RingPong 96 2,2
{PDM}(TT) Combination Trem and RingPong. Summed in, stereo out.
3038 Tremolo Rack 96 2,2
[G]{RDMCEY} This rack has compressor, EQ, delay chorus, reverb and tremolo. Summed in, stereo out.
3039 Waterized 96 2,2
{PRDM} An underwater reverb. Summed in, stereo out.
3040 5th Place 48 2,2
3040 5th Place 96 || 2,2
[GK]{PRDCE} The perfect fifth effect in stereo with color.. Stereo in, stereo out.
3050 6 Chorusdlys & Verb 48 2,2
3050 6 Chorusdlys & Verb 96 || 2,2
[G]{RDME}(TT) Six delay lines with pre-diffusor, modulation & hicut, in parallel to verb with early reflections, echoes &
diffusor. Verb has an additional hicut at the output stage. Stereo I/O.
3051 6 Vox Flanger & Verb 96 || 2,2
3051 6 Vox Flanger & Verb 48 2,2
[G]{RDME}(TT) Six delay lines with pre-diffusor, modulation & hicut, in parallel to verb with early reflections, echoes &
diffusor. Verb has an additional hicut at the output stage. Stereo I/O.
3052 Comb Room 96 || 2,2
3052 Comb Room 48 2,2
[VD]{RDME}(TT) Six delay lines with pre-diffusor, modulation & hicut, in parallel to verb with early reflections, echoes &
diffusor. Verb has an additional hicut at the output stage. Stereo I/O.
3053 Comp/Eq/Micro/Verb 96 || 2,2
3053 Comp/Eq/Micro/Verb 48 2,2
[V]{PRDMCEY}(TT) Compressor> 3 band eq > micropitch > diffusor/early refl >verb. Complete vocal processing tools
rack. Summed I/Stereo O.
3054 Guitar Magic 96 || 2,2
3054 Guitar Magic 48 2,2
[G]{RDME}(TT) Six delay lines with pre-diffusor, modulation & hicut, in parallel to verb with early reflections, echoes &
diffusor. Verb has an additional hicut at the output stage. Stereo I/O.
3055 Sax Eq_Cmpr_VintDly 96 2,2
{DMEY}(TT) Compressor > 3 band param EQ > Vintage ducking Delay. Delays are parallel to Comp>Eq. Great to process sax
leads. Summed in, stereo out.
3056 Vox Channel Strip 96 || 2,2
3056 Vox Channel Strip 48 2,2
[V]{RDMCEY}(TT) Comp>3B Eq > Filtered Dlys in parallel to Plate reverb. Complete vocal channel strip. Summed in,
stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 54 of 109 12/30/2003