
7814 Hum Eliminator 96 2,2
{DEY} Uses three different processes to fix noisy bottoms. <Notch> gives a sharp dip every 60 Hz, using a comb filter -
it's useful for power line hum and dimmer noise. <DeHum> is a sliding lo-cut filter for low-level noises: adjust it to
pass the desired signal and close on the junk. <LoCut> is a sharp filter useful for pure waves. Since low frequencies
often have harmonics throughout the spectrum, they're harder to remove. Experiment with different combinations of the
three until you get the best results... and don't expect miracles on particularly noisy signals. The Notch filter depends
on system timing. It'll work properly when the Eventide is set to a precise 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz sample rate, but may have
problems at other frequencies. (If you want to accommodate other hum or sample frequencies, set C_CONSTANT Tune
in the Patch editor). Stereo in, stereo out.
7815 Sfx Filter/Compress 96 2,2
{EY} Extremely sharp hi/lo cutoff filter followed by a stereo compressor. Use the Presets (Table Radio / Pocket Radio /
The Shadow) as effects or as starting points for your own settings. If you want just the filter, set the compressors
<Threshold> to 0 dB. To use just the compressor, set <LoCut> and <HiCut> to 40 Hz and 19 kHz. Switch-able in,
stereo out.
7816 Simple Compressor 96 2,2
[V]{DY} Basic, tight little one-knob stereo compressor with compression meter and channel linking. Adjust <More> until
you've got enough. The processing takes three thousandths of a second - not enough to be noticeable, but it'll cause
flanging if the output is mixed with the input. Stereo in, stereo out.
7817 Simple Equalizer 96 2,2
{E} Anything but simple. While it looks like a four-band graphic, you can change any frequency as well as the
bandwidth of the two midranges. The O`LOAD indicator samples the level at various points, and bounces if your
settings drive the signal into clipping. If this happens, lower the input level. Stereo in, stereo out.
7818 Stereo Simulator 96 2,2
[V]{E} Makes mono signals into stereo, using allpass filters and split-band processing to keep the individual outputs
sounding good. It avoids the doorspring and thinness you get on individual channels with other simulators, and is fully
mono-compatible. Switch-able in, stereo out.
7819 Stereo Spreader 96 2,2
[V]{Y} Makes stereo wider, with two separate processes. <Center Suppress> adds a static widening by reducing the
center - it's most useful for acoustic recordings. <Dynamic Pan> brings up the louder side, good for pop music with a
bass or drum on one side. Of course, you can mix the two effects in any proportion. Extreme combinations of settings
will warn you to check mono compatibility. There's a <Test> button to make checking easier. Stereo in, stereo out.
7820 Super Punch 96 2,2
[V]{DEY} Here's a general-purpose mix maximizer, with lots of tuneability for advanced production gurus. The author has
used it as the final processing on just about every mix for the past year, and saves differently-tuned versions for
different clients and media. Left and right inputs are de-essed separately, then matrixed and sent through a gentle
compressor and hard limiter. The result is de-matrixed, equalized and gated. Stereo in, stereo out.
7821 1 KHz Oscillator 96 0,2
Lineup tone. Default level is -18 dB fs, for digital use. If your studio uses a different standard level, adjust and
save a new version. The <On/Off> button does what you'd expect. Nothing in, mono out.
7822 Three Band Compress 96 2,2
[V]{EY} Call it `classic 3-band mix processor with matrix-stabilized stereo'... or just call it `magic'. Whatever. Most useful
on music, to make the mix fuller. Set the <Tweaks> by ear or by watching the three meters, and then adjust <Output>,
so the overall level matches when you press <Bypass>. If you add too much high-end processing you might bring up
hiss from the original recording. If this happens raise the <HF Gate>. Stereo in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 103 of 109 12/30/2003