
34net wo rk settings
6416m Network Settings
There are a few basic concepts that need to be understood when setting
up a Pro64 network. Some of the functions described below do not need to
be set on every Pro64 device in the network as they only need to be set up
on the network’s Control Master, the module in charge of network resource
Control Master
One Pro64 module in every network must be designated as the Control
Master. To set the 6416m as the Control Master, DIP switch #10 in the Virtual
Data Cables™ section is used. Set this DIP switch to the up position with the
power off to avoid conflicts with network resources.
When the 6416m module is then powered up, the network will be enumerated
and the blue A‑Net LEDs on all connected Pro64 devices will be lit. On the
Control Master device, its red Control Master LED will also be lit. The Control
Master LED will be off on all remote/slave modules in the network.
Control Master Errors
The following rules apply to the Control Master and active Pro64 networks.
If a slave module in an active network is incorrectly switched to be a Control
Master (in addition to the network’s already functioning Control Master), that
module’s Control Master LED will light and the blue A‑Net LED will go out to
indicate the error. The Control Master LED will remain lit until the module is
returned to slave status, at which point the A‑Net LED will light to indicate
that the module is now part of the network.
If a new module set to be the Control Master is added to an active running
network (one that already has a valid Control Master), the new module’s
Control Master LED will light but its A‑Net LED will not. Its audio I/O resources
will remain unavailable until the module is returned to slave status. All audio
on this module will be muted until the module is set to be a slave.
If the Control Master is removed from a functioning network (by being
disconnected, power failure, etc.), all slave units will reset and audio will be
muted. Slave units will wait for a new Control Master to be designated and at
that point will begin the enumeration process. Once the network has valid
A‑Net communication, audio resources will become available.