My Simpson Esprit needs to be cleaned. My clothes are coming out dirtier than when I put them in. How do I clean this washing machine?

Asked by Carolyn on 01/10/2015 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 11 months ago

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0 sounds like you have hard water problems as well. I had that problem to and I found a you tube clip for a home made solution. fill your machine up to full with hot or warm water then add a cup of washing soda (lectric soda you can find it in the cleaning aisle at the shop ) and three cups of white vinegar leave to soak a while then let the machine go through a full cycle. some times you have to do this two to three times but for me once was enough . beware that this also loosens up the scum that you don't see so some particles may come off onto your clothes in the next wash (this is why you may need to do it more than once) also a laundry scoop of washing soda in a wash every now and then will stop it from building up as much again and it leaves you clothes softer as well.
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