Washing machine P801 - keeps stopping and error E6 comes up . There is no E6 in the owner's manual . What is the problem ?

Asked by Alan on 07/18/2008 4  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 6 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
4 We have a 2 year old Samsung front load washing machine model P801 which is a very small unit. We too got the error code E6 and after checking with the repair center, we were told to make sure the machine was very level and secure (no rocking). I adjusted machine a small amount and that seemed to fix it. The error code E6 can be a failure of a main control panel or in my case, it just shut the machine down due to slightly out of level. Too bad Samsung didn’t put that error code in the little manual that came with machine! The manual does say machine can’t be out of level by more than 1%.
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2 My machine shows an error of E6, there's nothing in the manual. What's wrong? Saw this same question asked, but saw no answers. Any ideas?
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1 I have the same washing machine and e3 is coming up?? Nothing in the manual? Help
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