How do you get to the burner to install propane conversion kit

Asked by Jo Ann on 05/04/2009 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 8 months ago

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5 you must remove three parts to get to the burner. Lift and pull toward the back of dryer the top portion of dryer. You must lift it up , then pull it back. Once the top is removed there are four screws that hold the control panel on. Remove the four screws and lay the panel back on the dryer. Now, remove the four screws at the top of front panel. Then open the door and remove the two screws that hold the lint filter. Tilt the panel out and unplug the wire at the top of panel. Lean it out and lift it off. The burner will be exposed and you can change the orrifice.
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