My Milnor dryer is telling me my sail switch is failing, what is that?

Asked by victor on 12/31/2011 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 13 years ago

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0 don't call your equipment tech just yet: get your screwdrivers and a can of compressed air. the sail switch is usually located in the rear of the dryer, and can look (as the name suggests) like a sail. it's a flap on a swiveling rod that lets air flow through. make sure it isn't stuck. turn off power to the unit. undo the box that covers the internal electrical "sail switch" GENTLY and blow out any dust and lint that might be in there. then check that the wires are connected, again, gently. while your'e at it, blow out the control panel, too. works 90% of the time. if that don't do it, the actual switch is bad, and it's time to spend your hard earned dollars on the techie.
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