Will not drain water out nor spin. Hose is not blocked or kinked because I can drain into a tub with no problem. It does agitate properly but stops working when it is time to drain and spin. Machine is about 10 years old but has not been used for 9 years.

Asked by Juan on 01/18/2010 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years ago

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0 It's probably the lid safety switch.  They fell apart because they were two clamshell halves glued together.  You can remove the two screws and unplug the plug to take it off, fix it with a zip tie and reinstall it.  You got lucky.  This is a five cent fix.  While you're working on it, they also saved a few cents making that washer by not putting a clamp on the cutoff switch for the water level sensor.  If it falls apart, it will keep filling until you have a flood.  That's in the back of the washer in the control panel area.  Find the removal instructions on Youtube and then find the tube.  Clamp it on.  Problem prevented!
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