I cannot fasten the adjustable legs to my dryer - we removed the pedestal and now would like to have the dryer directly on the floor - there does not seem to be a bolt like on the washing machine to fasten the legs to. Please help!!!

Asked by Linda on 05/28/2014 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 7 months ago

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5 It seems strange to me that the adjustable legs aren't still on the unit. Usually, the pedestal uses the legs to attach the dryer to it. In other instances, I've seen kits that you attach to the dryer before you mount it to the pedestal. Be sure that there isn't a piece under the dryer that shouldn't be there. It will have screws going into the bottom or rear and may not be very apparent. I'm assuming this is a newer h/e front loader series by the way. I would be happy to help more if you send me a picture of what you're dealing with. My email is nickeleye000@yahoo.com. Of course i don't expect any rewards, I just love to help people. It makes me love my job that much more!
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