water is extremely slow coming in. are there ways to clear a filter?

Asked by nell on 11/09/2014 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 1 month ago

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0 Hello nefunk, I appreciate your post! I have identified some possibilities to why the water is entering slowly into your washer. You may want to check your water pressure, the minimum psi is 30. It also could be possible that the water supply is not completely open, check the water supply to assure that both valves are opened. Additionally, if water is being used somewhere else in the home that could cause a water to enter slowly into your washer. If all those troubleshooting steps have been checked it could be an issue with your water inlet valve. I would seek assistance from a professional for proper diagnosis and repair. Hope this information is helpful to some degree. –OOS
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