I cannot get cold water. Replaced solenoid valve, still I get only hot water regardless if I select cold or hot water. 2nd question: Is there any lint filter to clean and if yes, where is it located? I did not receive manual with my machine.

Asked by Dobrilo on 07/30/2013 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 11 years, 5 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 Hi Dobrillo - Wow! Your washer is over a decade old – that’s a great lifespan for any laundry appliance! Was your washer recently moved and re-installed? If so, ensure the hot and cold water hoses are connected to the correct faucets. Double-check hot-water hose to make sure it is connected to the hot water faucet, and that the cold-water hose is connected to the cold-water faucet. These hose connections should be clearly marked on the washer. Additionally, if you are noticing “lint” in your washing machine, this is often due to a number of items including insufficient detergent or undissolved detergent (which often leaves a residue resembling lint), among others. It is recommended that a low-sudsing detergent is used in this unit to prevent such residue. Alternatively, if you are still having issues with your washing machine, and since this washer has lasted such a long time, you may want to check out the manufacturer listing of new, more efficient models that will save you money over the long haul. Best of luck!
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