Even though we have thoroughly cleaned the lint filter and all surrounding lint areas, the "clean lint filter" signal keeps going off. There seems to be nothing to solve it.

Asked by Kevin on 11/15/2014 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 1 month ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 Hello kevin.smoker, thank you for your post! Based off the information you have provided your Frigidaire dry continues to display “Clean Lint Filter” after you have already done so. It sounds like the sensor or control panel may be faulty. I would recommend performing a reset on your washer and you can do that y unplugging the power cord for approximately ten minutes. If you continue to have issues upon restart I would recommend having a professional technician out to properly diagnosis your dryer and replace components if need be. I hope this information was helpful. –OOS
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