A sock went into the blower motor, after removing it the dryer runs, except their is no heat. Without out airflow we are thinking the heating element burned out. Can you assist us?

Asked by AJ on 04/08/2009 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 9 months ago

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0 AJ, most likely a thermostat tripped for safety preventing overheating of the dryer. Fortunately this dryer has a resettable thermostat by the heating element. The heating element and two thermostats are behind the panel located on the lower right side on the back of the dryer. Turn off the circuit breaker and/or unplug the dryer before attempting any servicing. The resettable thermostat is white in color with a red button that simply needs to be pushed back in. The other thermostat and two others located in the front below the lint screen do not reset and would require replacement, just like a burned out fuse would, if they had overheated from the sock incident. Testing can be done with a multimeter to see if they are good or not.
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0 I do not have a manual .Dryer is over 10 yrs old . I have found a broken belt inside.Could someone tell me where the serial No . would be found to get a new belt . Thank-you - Steve Kgesner@eastlink.ca
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