hi - Many times when my Crosley washer goes into the spin cyle, it gets off center and starts rattling badly. what is causing this problem?

Asked by carmen on 03/03/2015 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 9 months ago

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0 Hello carmen, that’s a great question! I understand that your Crosley washing machine rattles and gets off center during the spin cycle. If this is a new installation, please verify that the shipping material has been removed from the back of the washing machine. If the shipping bolts are not removed, it can cause the washer to shake and rattle. If this is not a new install, there is a possibility that the loads are not being properly balanced; load the clothes as evenly as possible. I also recommend that you verify that the leveling legs are properly attached to the washing machine and that the machine is level. If these troubleshooting steps do not resolve your issue, I recommend that you allow a professional to properly diagnose your washer for you. -OOS
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