Thank you for purchasing Sonance Surface-Mount Speakers.
When properly installed your new speakers will give you years
of entertainment pleasure. This manual covers the SM55 and
SM55SST (Single-Stereo Technology
) speakers.
Box Contents
IItteemm QQuuaannttiittyy ((SSMM5555)) QQuuaannttiittyy ((SSMM5555SSSSTT))
Surface Mount Speaker 2 1
Paintable Grille 2 1
Speaker Terminal Screws 4 4
Speaker Placement
Distributed Audio (SM55 and SM55SST)
The SM55 and SM55SST’s low installation profile makes them
ideal for use in distributed audio systems. They provide coverage
of a very wide listener area, allowing the them to be mounted in
a wide variety of installation locations.
Because a single SM55SST speaker reproduces both stereo
channels from a single location, it will deliver outstanding
performance from a wide variety of mounting locations where a
pair of stereo speakers would be impractical, including hallways,
bathrooms and closets.
The table and illustration below show how far apart the speakers
can be placed at various ceiling heights while still providing
good coverage for all listeners.
CCeeiilliinngg HHeeiigghhtt SSppaacciinngg ((SSttaannddiinngg)) SSppaacciinngg ((SSeeaatteedd))
9-Foot Ceiling 5’7” 9’5”
10-Foot Ceiling 9’7” 13’5”
12-Foot Ceiling 13’7” 17’5”
14-Foot Ceiling 17.7’ 21.5’
Surround Channel (SM55)
The SM55’s low-profile design and wide area coverage also
make it an excellent choice for surround channel applications in
home theater systems.
5.1-Channel System
(see Figure 2)
• Locate the left and right surround speakers on the ceiling
between 2 feet and 6 feet behind the listening position. The
speakers should be between 6 feet and 10 feet apart.
7.1-Channel System (see Figure 3)
LLeefftt && RRiigghhtt SSuurrrroouunndd SSppeeaakkeerrss::
Place the left and right
surround speakers directly to the sides of the listening position,
between 6 feet and 10 feet apart.
SSuurrrroouunndd BBaacckk SSppeeaakkeerrss::
Place the surround back speakers
between 2 feet and 6 feet behind the listening position. The
surround back speakers should be closer together than the left
and right surround speakers — between 3 feet and 6 feet apart.
Before Installation
1. Determine the location for the speaker (see
Speaker Placement
2. The SM55 and SM55SST Mounting Plates (available separately)
are designed to install onto a J-box (single or double) that has
already been mounted in the ceiling.