Page i RPC-320
Copyright 1997, 1999 - Remote Processing Corporation.
All rights reserved. However, any part of this document
may be reproduced with Remote Processing cited as the
The contents of this manual and the specifications her ein
may change without notice.
RPBASIC-52™ is a trademark of Remote Processing
PC SmartLINK® is a trademark of Octagon Systems
BASIC-52© is a trademark of Intel Corporation.
Remote Processing Corporation
79 75 E. Harvard Ave.
Denver, Co 802 31 USA
Tel: (303) 690 - 1588
Fax: (303) 690 - 1875
w ww.rp3 .com
The information contained in this manual is believed
correct. However, Remote Processing assumes no
responsibility for any of the circuits described herein,
conveys no license under any patent or other right, and
make no representations that the circuits are free from
patent infringement. Remote Processing makes no
representation or warranty that such applications will be
suitable for the use specified without further testing or
modification. The user must make the final
determination as to fitness for a particular use.
Remote Processing Corporation' s general policy does not
recommend the use of its products in life support
applications where the failure or malfunction of a
component may directly threaten life or injury. It is a
Condition of Sale that the user of Remote Processing
products in life support applications assum es all the risk
of such use and indemnifies Remote Pr ocessing against
all damages.
P/N 1366
Revision: 2.8