TCCI-1 • 1
j"Com Transceiver Control
Computer Interface
The J-Com Transceiver Control Computer Interface allows you
to control most if not all of radio functions from your computer. It
is functionally identical to the Icom CT-17, Yaesu FIF-232C,
Ten Tec 305 and Heath computer interfaces. It will work with all
radios and rig control software which use these interfaces.
• No external power supply ...power is ‘lifted’ right from the
computer’s COMM port!
• RFI proof ...all electronics are enclosed in a shielded DB-25
connector hood.
• Fully hardware and software compatible...will work with any
software including DXBase, LOGic, K1EA's CT program,
Turbolog, RC-plus and many others.
• Fully wired and tested...just plug it in and go.
• Great for winning contests and making contacts easier than
TC-I 1/8 inch phone connector. For use with ICOM IC-781, IC-765,
IC-761, IC-728, IC-735, IC-725, IC-726, IC-751A, IC-271, IC-471, IC-
R71, IC-R9000, IC-R7100, IC-R700, IC-R72, IC-970; Ten-Tec Delta II,
Argonaut II, Paragon, Omni VI.
TC-K DIN connector. For use with Kenwood TS-950, TS-850, TS-
450, T690, TS-940, TS-440, TS-140, TS-690, TS-5000, TS-711, TS-
TC-Y1 DIN connector. For use with Yaesu FT-1000D, FT-1000, FT-
990, FT-980, FT-767, FT-736, FT-747; Heath SB-1400
Model: TC-I TC-K TC-Y TC-Y2