✓ All in-one programmable/
✓ 2-heat/1-cool heating & AC
✓ Dual powered
✓ Adjustable heating and cooling limits
✓ 3 year warranty
✓ Adjustable 2nd stage heat oset
7-day • 5/2-day
Programmable • Non-Programmable
Product Highlights
Programmable / Non-Programmable
Easy installation
Program 7-day, 5/2-day, or non-programmable
Easy-view back light
Optional wall plate model #WP567
User option: 2 or 4 periods per day
Keypad lock for unauthorized use
Temporary override and manual hold
Dual powered (2AA) Alkaline Batteries (included)
Temporary Compressor protection bypass
5/2 minute selectable time delay for
equipment protection
User temperature calibration
Adjustable heating and cooling limits
Display option: fahrenheit or celsius temperature
Adjustable temperature dierential/swing
Conventional heat & heat pump
Compatible With
For most 24V heating and A/C systems
2-heat/1-cool: gas, oil, or electric systems
2-wire heat only hydronic systems
(hot water baseboard & radiator)
Millivolt systems (wall heaters/furnaces & gas fireplaces)
Product Features Installation
Not Compatible With
Heat pump systems
3-wire hydronic zone valve systems
Line voltage systems (120/240 VAC)
Feature rich programmable/non-programmable all-in-one thermostat
4747 South Broad Street I Building 101 – Suite 330 I Philadelphia, PA 19112 I P: 856.234.7905 I F: 856.234.7825 LuxProProducts.com