1. Introduction --------------------- 3
Main features ---------------------------- 3
Printing conventions in this manual -------- 3
Important things to learn ------------- 4
Front and rear panel --------------------------- 4
The modes of the AX1000G ----------------- 7
2. Playing the AX1000G -------- 8
Example connections------------------- 8
Play mode -------------------------------- 8
Adjusting the master level -------------------- 8
Adjusting the input level ---------------------- 8
Selecting a program --------------------------- 8
Bypass and mute ------------------------------- 9
Auto tuner ---------------------------------------- 9
Metronome --------------------------------------- 9
Expression pedal ------------------------------- 9
Individual mode ------------------------10
Phrase Trainer mode ------------------11
3. Editing -------------------------- 12
Editing an effects-----------------------12
Quick Editing for the DRIVE-AMP effect
block ----------------------------------------------12
Setting the noise reduction and
program levels -------------------------13
Modifying the program names -----13
Writing a programs -------------------13
4. Appendices-------------------- 14
Adjusting the expression pedal ----14
Restoring the user programs to the
factory settings -------------------------14
Troubleshooting ------------------------15
Main specifications --------------------15
Effect parameters ----------------------16
DRIVE-AMP effects block --------------------- 16
CABINET effect block--------------------------17
MODULATION effect block ------------------ 18
PEDAL effect block ----------------------------- 20
AMBIENCE effect block ----------------------- 22
Preset Program Parameter List -----23