Expression 500T
Color Negative Film
5229 / 7229
Soft Natural Colors and Less Grain.
5229 / 7229
KODAK VISION2 Expression 500T Color Negative Film
5229 / 7229 is better than ever. With greatly reduced
grain and superior shadow detail, Expression 500T
Film offers a subdued range of contrast and color
saturation for smooth skin tones. Giving you more
flexibility in post and cleaner images from under- to
The VISION2 Film family is the first line of products
created specifically for both film and digital postpro-
duction. What’s more, all VISION2 Films provide
excellent tone scale and flesh-to-neutral reproduction.
With superior shadow and highlight detail and very
fine grain. VISION2 Films also maintain neutrality
through the full range of exposure. So you can convey
exactly the look you intended all the way from capture
to post.
KODAK VISION2 Expression 500T Film. Tell it exactly
the way you dreamed it.
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