epvell Braukmann
The Honeywell Braukmann EA79 In.dustrial
Air Ventpurgesairfrom highpressuremainsand
equipment in hot or cold closed water syste,ms.
Includes built-in shutoff valve for servicing with-
out system shutdown.
For use with water systems up 250” F [!20” Cl.
Removable float/valveassemblyforeasy servicing.
Includes safety drain connection and vent cap with
leakage guard.
314 in. NIT male pipe thread with l/2 in. NPT
female pipe thread connections.
Maintains quiet and efficient operation
Brass shell construction
Internal parts made of corrosion-resistant and
chemical-resistant materials for use with water
systems containing glycol, mincial oils, or petro-
leum-based oils.
Specifications ................... . .... . ........................ 2
Ordering tnformatimi .................................... 2
installation .............. ....................................... 3
Operation ....................................................... 4
. .............................. 5
C. H. . IO-92 . Otloneyvell Inc. 1992 .
FormNumber 62-3034