Rest the Yo-Yo on the floor in front of you. Hold the string up to your
waist. Tie a slip knot approximately 3 1/2" above your waist.
To make a slip knot, fold over the end of the
string about 1". Tie a knot (see Illustration 1).
Take the string and slip it through the loop
(see Illustration 2).
Put your middle index finger inside the loop you
created and pull snugly - don't make the loop
too tight on your finger (see Illustration 3).
MODEL 88-202
Now you can control the Trade Federation's most powerful weapon. Perfect
your piloting skills with the Trade Federation Battleship Yo-Yo. Special lights
and authentic sound effects enhance the maneuverability of this powerful
(Illustration 1)
(Illustration 3)
(Illustration 2)
The Basic Spin
Hold the yo-yo in the palm of your hand with the string
attached to your middle finger. Keep your bent elbow
near your body and your hand near your shoulder. With
your palm facing up and a quick flick of your wrist, release
the yo-yo in a downward path. When the yo-yo reaches
the end of the string, quickly turn over your hand and flick your wrist
upward. The yo-yo will return to the palm of your hand.
Walk the Dog
Let the yo-yo fall gently from the palm of your hand.
When the yo-yo reaches the end of the string, place the
yo-yo gently on the ground. Move it forward a short
distance and then flick your wrist quickly to return the
yo-yo to the palm of your hand.
The Forward Pass
Hold the yo-yo behind you with the palm of your hand
facing up. As you swing your arm forward, release
the yo-yo. Keep your elbow straight in front of you
and the yo-yo will return to your hand.
Rocking the Baby
It is best to first practice this trick without spinning the yo-yo. Let the
yo-yo hang its full length. With your free hand, hold the string about
15" down from the top of the string. Now use the thumb and forefinger
from your yo-yo hand and grab the string 15" down from your other
hand. Your yo-yo hand is at the top and
your other hand is at the bottom. Swing
the yo-yo through the opening. With the
yo-yo spinning, you must do the trick fast,
release the string and flick your wrist up to
return the yo-yo to the palm of your hand.
Around the World
Toss the yo-yo straight in front of you. Move your arm in a large circle.
When the yo-yo comes back in front of you, flick your
wrist and the yo-yo will return to the palm of your hand.
WARNING: Watch carefully as the yo-yo makes a circle.
Be sure there are no people or objects around you. It
is strongly recommended that you do this trick in a
wide-open area without obstacles or people.
1. 2.