In the TS940D, Electro-Voice has combined
its expertise in constant-directivity horns,
high-frequency compression drivers and low-
frequency speakers and enclosures to produce
a compact, easily installed theatre stage sys-
tem with superior performance in all areas:
uniform dispersion to the higheest frequen-
cies, high efficiency, high power capacity and
wide, smooth frequency response.
The TS940D matches the only second-gen-
eration constant-directivity high-frequency
horn to a world-class high-frequency driver,
providing accurate reproduction and cover-
age of frequencies from500 Hz to 20,000 Hz.
Electro-Voice invented constant-direectivity
technology, first introduced in our HR series
horns in 1974. The HP horn is the TS940D is
a significant refinement. Constant directiv-
ity means that all frequencies are enenly
spread over the horn's rated coverage angle,
so that every seat in the house can receive
booth clear dialogue and subtle high-fre-
quency effects. For low frequencies, two 15-
inch woofers are vertically stacked in a di-
rect-radiating configuration, providing a cov-
erage pattern thatlosely matches that of the
high-frequency horn in the crossover region.
Such a match is not possible with more tradi-
tional horn-loaded bass enclosure. The high
excursion woofers, mounted in an optimally
vented, Thiele-Small enclosure, provide high-
impact bass from 40-500 Hz, at average pow-
ers up to 800 watts, when required. In the
field, the TS940D's combination of high- and
low-frequency reproduction has proven to be
an excellent choice for small to medium sized
The TS940D incorporates a number of in-
staller-recommended features, for quick,
trouble-free and low-cost installation. Among
these features is a dedicated crossover/
equilizer that is easily flush mounted in the
pre-sized, pre-drilled hole located in the side
of the low-frequency enclosure. Side mount-
ing provides easy wiring access when the
system is installed against a wall. Through
the use of the horn mounting kit and pre-
drilled holes in the low-frequency system, the
high-frequency section is easily mounted in
the proper position on top of the low-fre-
quency section. All pre-drilled holes are T-
nut loaded, including bass driver mounting
holes. This means quick and easy driver re-
placement. All components of the TS940D
are finished in matte black, to eliminate any
reflections back through the screen.
Frequency Response
Figure 2 shows TS992-LX frequency re-
sponse with presets of the Electro-Voice
Dx34A digital speaker system processor (see
Crossover and Basic Equalization section).
The measurement was made with a swept
sine-wave signal, 4 volts at 500 Hz, in an
anechoic (echoless) environment. The micro-
phone was at a distance of 3.0 m (10 ft), on
an axis at the lower edge of the high-fre-
quency horn. Figure 3 shows the frequency
response of the individual sections of the
TS992-LX, measured under the same condi-
tions but with a 4-volt input constant with
frequency, the results of which were then nor-
malized to 1 watt/1 meter.
Frequeny Response
The data was measured in an anechoic
(echoless) environement at 20 feet on axis with
4 volts of swept 1/3-octave random noise. The
frequency response curve for the TS940D is
shown in Figure2.
Theatre Stage System
Theatre Sound System