Technical Specifications:
Designed specifically for horns, drums, acoustical and
electric guitars, the N/D468 provides a smooth, natural
sound, capturing the excitement of the instrument. The
supercardioid pattern provides superior rejection and
acoustic isolation in any application. An innovative EV
design harnesses the increased power of a neodymium
based magnet design, allowing a large-diameter voice
coil (up to 50% larger than other mics) for dynamic, efficient
microphone performance. N/DYM® offers the power and
clarity to “cut through the mix.” Whatever your instrument
application the N/D468 is sure to be a top performer.
The low frequency response of the N/D468 microphone
varies with the distance from the sound source. Known
as “proximity effect,” maximum bass response is
produced in “close-up” use with the microphone 1/4
inch from the sound source. Normal bass response is
experienced with working distances greater than 24
inches. Working close to the microphone will produce a
more robust sound. Close up positioning of the
microphone will also reduce the potential for feedback
from the sound reinforcement system. When close-
miced, the bass-boost provides an increase in overall
microphone output level. The mixer gain may be
proportionately reduced, resulting in a reduction of the
system’s sensitivity to feedback caused by sound
entering the microphone from the loudspeakers.
General Description:
Dynamic Supercardioid
Instrumental Microphone
Key Features:
• Designed specifically for musical instruments
• Flexible mechanical design for optimum
• Supercardioid pattern for exceptional acous-
tic isolation and feedback rejection
• Accurate response, even in high sound
pressure levels (SPL)
• Rugged steel construction for exceptional