T B --- N A C
T B --- N H P
Base Series
Non---Programmable Thermostat
Installation Instructions
Base Non---Programmable Thermostat
NOTE: Read the entire instruction manual before s tarting the
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS 1.........................
INTRODUCTION 1...................................
INSTALLATION 1....................................
Step 1 — Thermostat Location 1........................
Step 2— Install Thermostat 2...........................
Step 3 — Set Thermostat Configuration 2.................
Step 4 — Thermostat Operation 3........................
Step 5 — Check Thermostat Operation 3..................
WIRING DIAGRAMS 4................................
Read and follow manufacturer instructions carefu lly. Follow all
local electrical codes during installation. All wiring must conform
to local and national electrical codes. Improper wiring or
installation may damage thermostat.
Recognize safety information. This is the safety-- alert symbol
When you see this symbol on the equipment and in the instruction
manual, be alert to the potential for personal injury. Understand the
signal words DANGER, WARNING,andCAUTION.
These words are u sed with the safety--alert symbol. DANGER
identifies the most serious hazards which will result in severe
personal injury or death. WARNING signifies a hazard which
could result in personal injury or death. CAUTION is used to
identify unsafe practices which may result in minor personal injury
or product and property damage. NOTE is used to highlight
suggestions which will result in enhanced installation, reliability, or
The Base Series thermostat is an electronic 24VAC,
non--programmable, manual changeover wall mount thermostat.
This thermostat uses a single setpoint to maintain and control room
temperature in both the heating and air conditioning modes. The
thermostat is designed to maintain +/-- 2_F accuracy. No batteries
are required; temperature, fan, mode, and installer configuration
settings are preserved with power off.
Air C onditioner Model
TB--NAC, Base Series Model air conditioner thermostat, may be
wired with or without connecting a common wire between the
indoor equipment and the thermostat. However, it is recommended
to use a common wire whenever possible. Without a common wire
this thermostat becomes “power stealing.” This means it will need
to steal a small amount of power from the equipment to which it is
NOTE: Not all HVAC equipment is compatible with power
stealing type thermostats. All Carrier equipment is directly
compatible with this thermostat except the Thermostat Conversion
Kit, Part #TSTATXXCNV10. For all non-- Carrier equipment,
consult the system equipment Installation Instructions before
applying this thermostat in a power stealing manner.
Heat Pump Model
TB--NHP, Base Series Model heat pump thermostat, is compatible
with all Carrier heat pump systems. It is NOT power stealing and
MUST have both the R and C terminals connected to operate
properly. This thermostat uses a green LED to indicate auxiliary
heat and emer gency heat operation.
Step 1 — Thermostat Location
Thermostat should be mounted:
S Approximately 5 ft (1.5m) from floor.
S Close to or in a frequently used room, preferably on an
inside partitioning wall.
S On a section of wall without pipes or duct work.
Thermostat should NOT be mounted:
S Close to a window, on an outside wall, or next to a door
leading to the outside.
S Exposed to direct light and heat from the sun, a lamp,
fireplace, or other heat--radiating object which may cause
a false reading.