User’s Guide
Water Filtration System
Your Brita
Thank you for choosing Brita
, the world’s #1 brand of household
water filtration.
The Brita
patented and certified water filtration systems turn ordinary water
into healthier, great-tasting drinking water. Just follow the easy instructions in
this booklet to quickly get started using your Brita
pitcher/dispenser system.
To find out more about Brita, visit our website at www.brita.com. While you are
there, sign up to receive special offers and healthy living tips.
To register your system and to find more information on our other products,
visit us at: www.brita.com
Getting Started
Wash your hands with soap and water; then remove filter from filter bag.
NOTE: It is normal for a new filter to be wet when first opened. Filters are washed
during manufacturing to prevent them from drying out.
Soak filter upright in cold water for 15 minutes.
Hand-wash pitcher/dispenser, lid and reservoir with a mild
detergent. Do not use abrasive cleaners. Rinse well.
TIP: Hand-wash pitcher/dispenser, lid and reservoir
periodically. Do not wash in dishwasher. For best results cleaning
chrome pitcher lids, wipe with a soft sponge soaked in a solution
of one teaspoon of vinegar in a cup of water.
Rinse filter under cold, running tap water for a few seconds.
Insert filter into reservoir by lining up groove in filter with notch
in reservoir. Press firmly to ensure a tight seal. Fill the reservoir
with cold tap water.* Discard your first two pitchers of filtered
water (or first dispenser), or use this water for plants. It is normal
for carbon dust to appear in your first fillings.
For healthier, great-tasting water, replace your filter after 40 gallons/151 liters
(about 2 months for the average family).
*Hot water should not be used with the Brita
Pitcher Filter (Max. 85°F/29°C – Min. 32°F/0°C).
The Brita
For best results when filling pitcher/dispenser reservoir, pour tap
water on the side of the reservoir rather than directly on top of
the filter. Allow water to filter completely before pouring or refilling reservoir.
The Brita
Filtration System
• Advanced Filtration
with Activated Carbon
and Ion Exchange Resin
• Reduces Contaminants:
• Reduces Chlorine
(Taste and Odor)
For maximum efficiency, filter no
more than 2 gallons (7.5 liters) daily.
*Based on independent laboratory testing.
The contaminants or other substances removed or reduced
by this water treatment device may not be in all users’ water.
Filter Change Indicator
Changing your filter regularly ensures that you have clear, refreshing,
healthier, great-tasting water. The Electronic Filter Change Indicator and
Calendar Minder
make it easy to know when 2 months* have passed. Reset your filter
change indicator each time you replace your filter.
Electronic Filter Change Indicator (Smart Pitchers Only)
1 Press firmly and hold the start button down for 5 to 10 seconds.
2 As you hold down the button, 4 bars will appear in the display, one after the other.
Do not release the start button until the 4 bars appear and start to flash. If you have difficulty
pressing the start button, a capped ballpoint pen may be used to press the button down.
3 A small flashing dot in the lower right corner of the display shows the indicator is working.
4 Every 2 weeks a bar automatically disappears. When only 1 bar remains, make sure
you have a new filter on hand.
5 After 2 months (when all bars have disappeared), an arrow will flash at the top of the display
reminding you to change your filter. After changing your filter, reset your indicator by following
the steps above.
The filter change indicator contains a non-replaceable sealed battery designed to last 5 years, depending on usage.
After 5 years the pitcher is still functional, but the electronic filter change indicator will eventually stop working.
Calendar Minder
(Pitchers with Calendar Minder
1 Insert a new filter.
2 Set filter indicator to closest date 2 months from now.
3 On the date indicated, remove your filter and repeat steps 1 and 2.
Built-in Calendar Minder
makes it easier to remember
when to change your filter.
Any questions? Visit us at www.brita.com or
call 800-24 BRITA (U.S.A.)
800-387-6940 (CANADA).
Change your filter about every 2 months for healthier, great-tasting water!*
The Brita
Pitcher Filter is not intended to purify water. Do not use with water that is
microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before
or after the system. Individuals requiring water of special microbiological purity
should follow the advice of their doctor or local health officials regarding the use and
consumption of their tap water and Brita
We recommend that you store your Brita
system in the refrigerator to get cold, great-
tasting water. If you would like to keep your Brita
system outside of the refrigerator,
we recommend that you keep it in a cool area that is not in direct sunlight and replace
any filtered water that has been left sitting for several days or more. This will help make
sure you get refreshing, great-tasting Brita
It is important that the bottom of the filter be in contact with the filtered water to
prevent the filter from drying out. If the filter dries out, resoak for 15 minutes.
Classic – Model # OB01/OB03
UltraMax – Model # OB24/OB03
Deluxe – Model # OB26/OB03
Atlantis – Model # OB32/OB03
Grand – Model # OB36/OB03
Slim – Model # OB11/OB03
Space Saver – Model # OB21/OB03
Riviera – Model # OB35/OB03
Aqualux – Model # OB37/OB03
Chrome – Model # OB39/OB03
– Model # OB41/OB03
Cobalt – Model # OB42/OB03
Vintage – Model # OB43/OB03
Water Filtration Pitchers/Dispensers
Systems tested and certified by the WQA
against NSF/ANSI Standards 42 and 53 for
the reduction of the claims specified on the
Performance Data Sheet.
You’ll be pleased to know that we offer a
30-day unconditional money-back guarantee!
Thank you again for your trust in Brita.
Still have questions? Or to locate retailers:
Visit www.brita.com or call U.S.A. 1-800-24-BRITA,
CANADA 1-800-387-6940.
Brita LP
1221 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94612
Brita Canada Corporation
150 Biscayne Crescent
Brampton (Ontario) L6W 4V3
* Filter should be replaced
after 40 gallons/151 liters
(about 2 months for the
average family).
You may need to change your filter
more or less often depending on the
amount of water you consume.
*Filter should be replaced after
40 gallons/151 liters (about
2 months for the average family).
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Read this Performance Data Sheet and compare the capabilities of this unit with your actual water treatment needs.
It is recommended that, before purchasing a water treatment unit, you have your water supply tested to determine your actual water
treatment needs.
U.S. EPA Level*/
NSF Maximum
Product Water
Influent Challenge
Filter Effluent Percent Reduction
(ppm CaCO3)
Actual NSF Target Average Maximum Average Minimum
NSF/ANSI Standard 53 – Health Effects
150 ppb 150±15 ppb 3.0 ppb 6.0 ppb 98% 96% 15 ppb
/10 ppb 10 ppb
17 22 6.3
150 ppb 150±15 ppb 2.8 ppb 6.5 ppb 98% 95.7% 15 ppb
/10 ppb 10 ppb
100 21 8.4
Copper 3.0 ppm 3.0±0.3 ppm 0.12 ppm 0.30 ppm 96% 90% 1.3 ppm
≤1.0 ppm
23 23 6.7
Copper 3.2 ppm 3.0±0.3 ppm 0.62 ppm 0.83 ppm 80% 74% 1.3 ppm
≤1.0 ppm
120 19 8.7
Mercury 6.0 ppb 6±0.6 ppb 0.2 ppb 0.2 ppb 96% 89% 2 ppb 1 ppb
15 21 6.6
Mercury 5.9 ppb 6±0.6 ppb 0.2 ppb 0.6 ppb 95% 93% 2 ppb 1 ppb
110 22 8.5
Cadmium 30 ppb 30±3 ppb 1.3 ppb 2.0 ppb 95% 93% 5 ppb 5 ppb
20 21 6.5
Cadmium 30 ppb 30±3 ppb 2.0 ppb 4.8 ppb 93% 84% 5 ppb 5 ppb
130 22 8.6
NSF/ANSI Standard 42 – Aesthetic Effects
Chlorine 2.0 ppm 2±0.2 ppm 0.07 ppm 0.12 ppm 96% 94% N. A./50%
N. A. N. A. 23 7.4
Zinc 10 ppm 10±1 ppm 3.4 ppm 4.4 ppm 66% 56% N. A./5 ppm ≤5.0 ppm
22 18 7.4
Based on independent laboratory testing.
These systems have been tested according to NSF/ANSI 42 and 53 for reduction of the substances listed. The concentration of each of the indicated
substances in water entering the systems was reduced to a concentration less than or equal to the permissible limit for water leaving the systems,
as specified in NSF/ANSI 42 and 53.
* The U.S. EPA Levels are Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) and are the same as the NSF Maximum Permissible Product Water Concentrations
listed in NSF/ANSI Standards 42 and 53 unless noted otherwise.
U.S. EPA Action Level
NSF/ANSI Standard 42 reduction requirement.
Health Canada Maximum Acceptable Concentration (MAC). N.A. = Not applicable.
Health Canada Aesthetic Objective (AO).
Please refer elsewhere in this User’s Guide for the proper conditioning and use and care requirements. Maintenance according to the manufacturer’s
instructions is essential for proper filter performance. Replace the Brita
Pitcher Filter every 40 gallons/151 liters (about 2 months for the average family).
For maximum efficiency, process no more than 2 gallons/7.5 liters daily. Replacement filters (model OB03) generally cost $8.00 or less.
Testing was performed under standard laboratory conditions. The contaminants or other substances removed or reduced by this water treatment device
are not necessarily in all users’ water. Filter performance may vary based on local water conditions.
The Brita
Pitcher Filter is not intended to purify water. Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate
disinfection before or after the system. Individuals requiring water of special microbiological purity should follow the advice of their doctor or local health
officials regarding the use and consumption of their tap water and Brita water.
Hot water should not be used with the Brita
Pitcher Filter (Max. 85°F/29°C – Min. 32°F/0°C).
System Components