PON Express
Universal Transport Platform for Access Networks
www.adc.com • +1-952-938-8080 • 1-800-366-3891
Spec Sheet
Supports point-to-point and point-to-•
multipoint architectures
Delivers up to 1Gbps of dedicated, •
symmetrical bandwidth per suscriber
Uses a single fiber for up and downstream •
Provides “colorless” optics on the ONTs/•
ONUs as well as the OLT line cards
Supports SNMP and TL1 for management •
Provides multiple deployment options to fit •
every environment:
- Strand mount or underground option
- Rack mount option
- Modular option for existing splitter
Uses modular architecture for simple and •
quick service and bit rate upgrades
Allows complete or partial redundancy •
through the network
Enables multiple services and bit rates to •
exist simultaneously without complex traffic
Allows for service and bit rate upgrades •
without infrastructure changes
Reduces inventory costs by using “colorless” •
ONTs/ONUs and OLT line cards (OCUs)
Recovers fiber assets in older deployments •
and reduces fiber count for new
Supports transparent SLAs •
Plug-n-play simplicity reduces time to •
market and eliminates wavelength
management issues
Allows 1310nm overlay using ADC‘s DWDM •
VAM module to support legacy networks
Provides more security and privacy due to •
dedicated wavelengths
The PON (Passive Optical Network over wavelengths) Express 16 is the first transport platform
to use a Passive Optical Network (PON) architecture to break the access bottleneck. Using Dense
Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM), the PON Express 16 provides cost-effective access to
business parks, campuses, and multi-dwelling unit/multi-tenant units over a shared network
infrastructure without sacrificing security or limiting bandwidth. Up to 16 customers can be
simultaneously connected with each having up to 1Gbps dedicated, symmetrical bandwidth.
Operationally, each Optical Network Terminal (ONT) is “colorless” which eliminates the sparing
issue that plagues traditional DWDM systems and provides “plug-n-play” system provisioning.
The PON Express 16 is integrated into other ADC products such as the OmniReach
FTTX Fiber
Distribution Hub FDH3000S providing a compelling solution unique to the industry.