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DSX-4R (RZX3) 4 High Rear Modular
Cross-Connect Product Line
24-, 32- and 36-Position Chassis, 3-,4- and 6-Port Modules
ADC sets the standards the industry follows. No one packs more jacks,
performance, flexibility, and durability into DSX than ADC’s RZX-3. With 504
midsize jacks ports in a 7-foot rack, the RZX-3 has more capacity than any
other midsize DSX. It is also the only solution available with modular pre-
termination, setting a new standard.
Description Ordering Number
24-Position chassis with front and rear LEDs DSX4R-D24
32-Position chassis with front and rear LEDs DSX4R-D32
36-Position chassis with front and rear LEDs DSX4R-D36
8-position chassis DSX4R-E08
Module Configurations
4-port midsize-BNC odd numbered module DSX-4R-MB140
4-port midsize-BNC even numbered module DSX-4R-MB240
6-port midsize-BNC odd numbered module DSX-4R-MB160
6-port midsize-BNC even numbered module DSX-4R-MB260
O r d e r i n g I n f o r m a t i o n